Project X is an advanced vision system for non-contact shop floor measurement and features Aberlink’s powerful vision software plus a host of easy-to-use inspection tools.

Project X
Advanced Shop Floor Vision System
Project X is different. It utilises a totally new, patented technology XY scale, that records not only X and Y position but also any rotational movement of the camera system. In addition, this is an absolute scale system, which means as soon as you switch on the machine it knows exactly where it is – no need for referencing. The camera is free to glide around the measurement area mounted on a simple air bearing system, without any worry about constraining the mechanics to avoid losing accuracy.
Components can be placed on a glass table and remain stationary, while the camera is moved around taking measurements above. There is no need to secure the component on the table as there would be on a moving stage machine.
Combine this simple mechanical structure, made possible by the revolutionary scale technology, with the Aberlink measurement software and you will soon understand why Project X is the standard for 2-dimensional measurement.
Project X finally replaces the old technology of a profile projector. It is easier to use than a profile projector. It is quicker to use than a profile projector and it will deliver reliable, consistent inspections time after time. Project X is available as either a manual machine or with full CNC control.
- Aberlink’s easy-to-use vision measurement software
- Fully automated CNC, or manual, non-contact inspection for small and delicate parts
- Small enough to be positioned on the production workbench
- Fully programmable digital zoom, no need to change lenses
- High speed optical scanning – up to 5000 points/second
- Powerful edge detection tools for maximum accuracy
- Directional overhead lights and back light provide profile and surface feature inspection
- Measures accurately even when the feature is not in focus
- Aberlink vision measurement software for non-contact inspection
- Windows based controller and peripherals
- Optional workbench
- Aberlink 2048×1536 pixel colour camera and telecentric lens
- Programmable back light and overhead LED ring-light
- User training course – up to 4 trainees and software user guide
- 12 months full parts and labour warranty
- Free telephone helpdesk support
- Free software upgrades – no maintenance fees or contracts